Montalto 2017 Landing Out Training Session

Montalto 2017 Landing Out Training Session

This year’s edition of the day dedicated to landing out, organised by Aero Club Valle d’Aosta each year, was held on Saturday 21 October 2017 at the Montalto Dora airfield.
Poor visibility on the day made towing above the 900 m QFE needed to perform traditional aerobatic manoeuvres problematic, but this did not prevent all the pilots present from getting familiar with the airfield’s procedures and performing a few loops.
Despite the weather, the turnout of pilots was remarkable, both for the gliders and for our paragliding and hang-gliding cousins who launched from the high takeoff point of the Cavallaria.
The aero club would like to thank all the participants, who helped make it a really special day.
Special thanks to the organiser of the day, our gliding representative Alex Busca, to our tireless trainers Francesco Statti, Pleitavino Rinaldo and Ardissone Diego, and to Darix Burgay, who organised the delicious barbecue that satisfied the hunger of a good 60 people together with his friend Giovanni Brunod, a chef.